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» Que la política esté en tu vida, no tu vida en la política. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: La Vida Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:408 Enviada:0
» Single is having the strength and ability to be alone in all professional and personal activities in your life. you’re secure, comfortable, and happy with yourself. you’re capable of pursuing anything without depending on anyone. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: La Vida Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:399 Enviada:0
» Tomar lista con la vista. -hanna jaff bosdet ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: La Vida Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:381 Enviada:0
» Más allá de un municipio, distrito, estado o país.mi propósito es servir a cualquier ser humano. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:433 Enviada:0
» The girl that bullied you when you were 13, will contact you 15 years later asking for a friendship, job, and help. my word of advice: help her. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:405 Enviada:0
» Be the kind of woman that empowers everyone around her. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:523 Enviada:0
» Las mujeres jóvenes estamos tomando fuerza para lograr grandes transformaciones. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:403 Enviada:0
» Make a difference and you make an example. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:431 Enviada:0
» The greatest satification in life is not when you are name undersecretary or win an award. the greatest satification is when a youth tells you: when i grow up i want to be just like you ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:424 Enviada:0
» Two different people. different religions, different languages, different customs. one heart. ( Hanna Jaff )
 Categoria: Humanidad Español  Votos: 0 Media:0.00 Visitas:417 Enviada:0
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